So Many Beautiful Filipina Ladies

I think this is about the best time in recent history to be searching for a Filipina online. I have never seen so many Filipinas signing up on social networking sites since we started in 2004. Just look around and it is amazing. I have also noticed over the past week (July 3 to July 10, 2010) more ladies in the 28 to 49 age group. This is great news for any of the more mature men seeking a mature lady. We need MORE filipinas in this age group.


I will be honest and say some of these Filipinas are so beautiful I get a little suspicious. However, many of these ladies upload multiple pictures and the quality of the print is not always the best. There is nothing wrong with this, and in fact it makes it more likely you are seeing the real deal. We are seeing a HUGE number of ladies under 25 signing up here over all.There are so many Filipinas you can get to know and many of them are anxious to find guys to talk with.

Are you seeking an intelligent lady? We have plenty of them as members too. I am happy to see more and more Filipinas posting Blogs. And remember most of these ladies from the Philippines are juggling two languages online. Most have the ability to communicate in English with you even if it is not perfect. Also, some of the know the English language better than many of the guys here (including me). Whatever the case, before you criticize a lady here with less than perfect English ask yourself how is your Tagalog?

So here we are in 2010 and if you are a man looking for love in the Philippines this is your time. As the economy improves, and guys start to feel they can afford to go to the Philippines, the membership base here will begin to return back to normal. When I say normal I mean instead of 75% ladies it might go down to about 50% ladies. If you are serious about going abroad to meet someone special, and you have the financial means to do so.





  • Posted 7 months ago


  • Posted 15 months ago


  • Posted 1 years ago
I am above average at detecting fake images and rooting out people with ulterior motives (scammers) this way. I have a way of detecting them and I will gladly use it to help anyone. Just send me a message and we can work from there. I don't like to tell what my methods are so that people keep using them and I stay protected.


  • Posted 2 years ago


  • Posted 3 years ago
steve answers: yes...dummy! Happy


  • Posted 3 years ago
I wonder who the author was...Was it you Steve (admin)?

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